The third generation (launched at Jan.2020) portable USB/SPDIF DAC builded by R-2R resistor ladder multibit multiplying current-output DAC chip LTC2753 from Linear Technology
Operational of DAC
SPDIF: An available SPDIF (20-100KHz auto) TOSLINK or wire (RCA) as source for signal for DAC. If source of spdif is PC or laptop as can to adjust the
volume from PC or laptop in application window or/and bottem bar. If source of spdif is CD/DVD Players or Portable players, as some Players has a
volume adjust and some not. You need for adjust possibility. For use spdif source you need powered the DAC by "USB mini PWR power jack".
USB: An available USB (48K/16b) from PC or laptop. Plug USB cable to DAC, either mini or micro. No need a special driver because all major OS has
reliese USB Audio 1. In general USB of PC or laptop has a sufficient power for powered of DAC, therefore to add additional power by "USB mini PWR power
jack" is senseless. For USB release the volume can to adjust by open application window(for WIN10). Unfortunately some sites in internet has incorrect
volume behavior or unadjust volume ... sad, though download and install a "volume control" application can to solve it problem.
USB On-The-Go (OTG): Almost all TABLETs has USB On-The-Go. Unfortunately not all smartphones has USB On-The-Go. This DAC has a more then 100 mA power consuption, therefore,
some USB-OTG devices can to support it self, and some can't. In both cases you can to connect to PWR power jack additional power for solver it problem.
(Please note: USB-OTG protocol exchange, a bit complicated, then standard protocol exchange of USB, plus old version drivers can to appear to stall of
USB bus. For avoid this situation we recomend to us next 2 rules. 1) Do not plug or unplug USB and USB PWR power cable when the DAC in power ON. 2) Do not
switch OFF the DAC before you pause/stop or close application on source device. ........ If you anywere enter to stall as you need to stop an aplication
on source device and close it. Start aplication again)
DAC has levels of scale amplification, Low and High. The switch on front panel next to headphone jack. The power of headphone amplifier enough for any
types of headphones and can driving T1/600 even. Power switch on. Allow to you send the DAC to sleep mode without detach power or USB cabel.
On front panel an exist two green LED. The left LED is signal the DAC either ON or OFF. The second right LED indecate that an additional PWR power is
source power selected now. Additional PWR power USB mini jack. We are pursue a non battery politic. Instead of battery inside, the DAC has a USB mini
PWR power jack. It allow you do not dependent from battery charge. Merely
connect to PWR jack a Power Bank - 5V or AC-DC - 5V adapter or USB laptop or USB hab. It make you free for souce of power for DAC.
The choose of source of power, "Power Bank - 5V or AC-DC - 5V adapter or USB laptop or hab" do not influence to quality of sound.
Internal auto router seek the valid source signal for TOSLINK, RCA and USB and attach - detach automatically.
Why is it worth buying our DAC in opposition to other manufacturers.
1. Despite the small size and "non-audiophile" USB power, we offer absolutely serious audiophile sound. I foresee the skeptical, condescending smiles of
audiophiles from the sects of vinyl, heavy tonnage, class A output, balanced headphone output, tubes, femto-clocks, and of course the R-2R discrete build.
About the sect of old NOS PCM56, PCM1704, TDA1541, well, it's just no words, how long can you use this old stuff, well, there are modern, beautiful, accurate
and low-noise R-2R chips. To put it simply, if you get off of your beliefs, this little DAC will give you a sound that is several times better
than what your audio religion has to offer you. 2. We are not a main stream, that uses the standard "big numerals" as advertising scheme. That is, for example,
we are convinced that for high-quality sound, it is enough to digitize at 40-50 KHz and increase the frequency here, this is only a marketing trick, it has
nothing to do with the sound quality. And so for the rest of the numerals too. Therefore, do not compare our equipment by numerals. The numerals may not lie,
they are simply useless in the assessment. Instead of achieve "big numerals" we challenge to achieve a really great sounds , some kind of as natural, clean,
clear, fast, dynamic, great drive and rhythm, well balanced in our electronic implementation. 3. The DAC does not have a rechargeable Li-Po battery.
Some will decide that this is a minus, that they were like
greedy and they did not supply. Our DAC is actually very green. It's unbearably GREEN. What does it mean? For headphones "in ear" it consumes 80mA, and for a
"full-size earphone" it consumes 180mA. Show me another portable DAC with such characteristics. And this despite the fact that at sound, it surpasses many top
table DACs. In addition, the built-in battery meets a dull end in 5-6 years, and replacing it, well, for many people, it is not easy and cheap. The principle
of reasonable sufficiency is important here. If you listen the DAC 2-4 hours a day from the smartphone, with headphones "in ear", then due to the low consumption
you can get the energy from the smartphone. But if you listen more, and even with big headphones, then here you just cling the power bank of what capacity you
need, at least 10 Amperes. By the way, a bank of 10A is enough for large headphones, for 10 / 0.18 = 55 hours. 4. The great micro details of the output
signal of our DAC may charm you but also disappoint you. Due to the high resolution, you can hear noise and distortion that you have not heard before. This is
not a problem with this DAC. I will list the reasons for these distortions. This may be the device driver from which you are listening, [try installing a new one],
some media players may give poor quality sound [try another media player], mp3 files may be poorly converted from the original [try another codec], be sure to
turn off Dolby (or same apps) sound enhancers - this app has task on the portable, to change the signal so that the sound at least somehow to sound by the
tiny built-in speaker, but at our "full diapazons" DAC this improvement will give a terrible sound.